Herbs in this formula include:
Oregon Grape : (Berberis aquifolium}
Properties: antiseptic, diuretic, tonic.
Description: Oregon Grapeis a popular herbal remedy for both internal and external ailments. The Berberine is beneficial to build immune system. Berberine acts like natural insulin to the body.
NETTLE: (Urtica dioca)
Properties: astringent, diuretic, tonic, hemostatic.
Description: Nettles are rich in vitamins and minerals. The leaves are used as a blood tonic and purifier. In animal studies nettles have been shown to lower blood sugar.
UVA URSI: (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Properties: astringent, diuretic.
Description: This herb is used for chronic urinary conditions. It is used for water retention and to relieve pain from cystitis and nephritis. Used to regulate blood sugar levels in body.
JUNIPER: (Juniperus communis)
Properties: antiseptic, carminative, diuretic, stomatic, tonic.
Description: Juniper should not be used with kidney inflammation or chronic kidney weakness. Acts like insulin to the body.
SAW PALMETTO BERRIES: (Serenoa serrulata)
Properties: antiseptic, diuretic, tonic.
Description: The berries are used. It acts as a regulator of hormones. Tones and strengthens the male reproductive system. Valuable in all conditions of the reproductive organs–ovaries, testes and especially for prostate enlargement. Thought by many to be an aphrodisiac.