Prostate Aid

Prostate Aid is used to relieve urinary and prostate problems. This combination of herbs has given great results to clients. It is recommended to use 1 or 2 capsules, two or three times per day.


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Prostate Aid

Formula #18

Herbs in this formula include:

CLEAVERS: (Galium aparine)
Properties: diuretic, tonic alterative, aperient
Description: The whole plant, with the root excepted is used. It acts with considerable power on the urinary secretion and the urinary organs. It is given for obstructions of these organs.

GRAVEL ROOT: (Eupatorium purpureum)
Properties: antiperiodic, diuretic, tonic
Description: The root is used. Very valuable as a diuretic and stimulant as well as an astringent tonic. It exerts a special influence upon renal and cystic problems.

SAW PALMETTO BERRIES: (Sarenoa serrulata)
Properties: diuretic, tonic
Description: Tones and strengthens the reproductive system. Used for prostate enlargement and infections. Enhances endurance.

ECHINACEA: (Echinacea angustifolia)
Properties: antiseptic, anti-viral, depurative
Description: Stimulates the bodies resistance to infection and also stimulates the bodies immune system. One of the best blood purifying herbs.

UVA URSI: (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Properties: astringent, diuretic
Description: Uva ursi is used for bladder and kidney ailments. Eliminates excessive bloating due to water retention.

© Pearson's Herbs Inc.


Pearson's Herbs do not make any medical claims. Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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